What do people have to say about George?

"I've worked with George for many years. He is one of the most enthusiastic spirits I know with a sincerity and heart that is palpable, while also possessing a commanding presence. Our internationally popular quartet, The Blanks, took advantage of his announcing talents to do all our intros. (And he does a great Don Pardo-like promo voice -- check out the commercial our quartet did!)"

"As a voiceover actor who has been Emmy nominated four times and LOST to Seth MacFarland, Eartha Kitt, and Henry Winkler. I believe I know comedy, and music when I hear it!! George is Mah-Zurl, the Pearl! Guess what? George taught me how to sing!!"

"George composed a jingle for my charity and most recently composed and wrote most of the lyrics for the branding of Animalopes which has been playing on the radio across the country. He sings the jingle and provided the product in record time."